Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Riding Life’s Rollercoaster

In the world of amusement parks, rollercoasters stand tall as beacons of thrill and excitement. But beyond the loops and drops lies a deeper story—one of anticipation, fear, exhilaration, and growth. Much like the ups and downs of a rollercoaster ride, the journey of a student can be related to this exhilarating experience.

Rollercoasters trace their origins back to the 17th century when Russian ice slides provided the initial thrill. Over time, these evolved into the more familiar wooden and now steel mega-structures found in amusement parks today. Similarly, the journey of a youth group student begins with the innocence of childhood, gradually evolving into the structured environment of high school.

As riders set off on the initial incline of a rollercoaster, there's a mix of anticipation, excitement and anxiety-induced butterflies. Along that same line, entering middle and high school marks the beginning of a student's ascent into adulthood. The climb is characterized by academic challenges, social adjustments, and the exploration of personal identity. Much like the slow climb of a rollercoaster, this phase may feel daunting but sets the stage for the thrills to come.

The defining moment of any rollercoaster is the exhilarating plunge—the sudden rush of adrenaline as gravity takes hold. Similarly, students encounter pivotal moments that propel them forward. Whether it's achieving academic success, forming meaningful friendships, or discovering personal passions, these experiences shape their journey and provide moments of pure exhilaration.

Rollercoasters are renowned for their twists, turns, and unexpected surprises. Likewise, the middle/high school experience is filled with twists and turns, from navigating relationships to facing academic setbacks. These challenges test resilience and adaptability, teaching students to embrace the unpredictable nature of life's journey.

As a rollercoaster nears its end, there's a sense of accomplishment and relief—a feeling of having conquered the ride. Similarly, the culmination of high school marks a significant milestone in a student's journey. Graduation represents not only academic achievement but also personal growth, resilience, and readiness to embark on the next chapter of life's adventure. Side note, we will be honoring the 2024 graduates next month.

By embracing life’s rollercoaster ride, students emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever thrills life may bring. This is why I emphasize the importance of youth groups in contemporary society so much. A youth group like Revive is like having a safety net for said rollercoaster. We're here to encourage one another, provide support during challenging times, and remind each other of our shared journey. We also prioritize camaraderie, forging bonds that can withstand the test of time, and equipping young individuals to navigate life's complexities with faith as their compass.

Our activities extend beyond traditional Sunday school sessions. From engaging game nights to thought-provoking discussions on faith and life, Revive offers a ever-changing environment where growth and fellowship flourish.

So, next time you feel as though you’re not tall enough to ride life’s rollercoaster, just know that your faith in Jesus will see you through to the end. Let’s continue nurturing the next generation, fostering friendships, and guiding one another in said faith. God Bless!!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog,

Chris Gersic

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell


My dear NUMC family, as we journey together in faith, it is imperative to recognize the profound impact of community outreach on our spiritual growth and the well-being of those around us. The essence of our faith lies not only in worship within these walls, but also in our ability to extend love, compassion, and joy beyond them. My hope this week is to convey the importance of seeing and fostering joy in our community outreach efforts, and the crucial role that each member plays in making a difference. Let’s, together, unleash the power of joy in Outreach!

A Reflection of God's Love: Community outreach is a reflection of God's boundless love for humanity. When we engage in acts of kindness, compassion, and service, we mirror the very nature of our Creator. The joy that accompanies these efforts is not only an emotional response but a spiritual connection to the divine love that flows through us.

Building a Bridge of Hope: As a church, our outreach opportunities essentially become bridges of hope, connecting people to the love of Christ. The joy experienced in community outreach is the manifestation of hope spreading like wildfire, igniting hearts and transforming lives. It is a powerful testimony to the life-changing impact of our faith.

Strengthening the Fabric of Community: Joy is the glue that binds a community together. When church members actively participate in outreach opportunities, they contribute to the strength and resilience of our collective spirit. Shared joy becomes a unifying force that transcends differences, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness.

Church Members are essential in fostering Joyful outreach

Embracing a Servant Heart: Jesus taught us the importance of serving others with humility and love. Church members embody this servant-hearted approach in outreach, recognizing that true joy is found in selfless service to others.

Creating a Culture of Inclusion: Everyone has unique gifts and talents to offer. When church members participate in outreach opportunities, it creates a culture of inclusion. This is where each person feels valued and contributes to the overall impact of our endeavors. A byproduct of inclusion is the amplification of joy experienced in serving together.

Nurturing Relationships: Beyond the act of service itself, the relationships built during outreach efforts are invaluable. Church members play a vital role in nurturing these connections, fostering an environment where people feel loved, heard, and understood. The joy of community extends beyond the event, leaving lasting impressions on both givers and receivers.

Community outreach is not just a duty bestowed upon us by Jesus; it is an opportunity to witness and spread the joy that comes from living out our faith in tangible ways. As we engage in various outreach opportunities this year, let us remember that joy is not merely a byproduct, but an essential element of our collective spiritual journey. Together, as a church family, let's embrace the joy in community outreach and continue to be the hands and feet of Christ, making a lasting impact on the world around us. Christine has a few community outreach events planned this year, and we could use your help at all of them. We have a Valentine’s dance this Friday, Vacation Bible School, and Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed builds coming up - just to name a couple. None of these events require any “specialized” skill sets. Just let us know you’re coming and come as you are! We would absolutely love to have you!!

May the joy of the Lord be our strength as we step out in love and service!

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

The Hidden Pitfalls

In the warm embrace of church small groups, where fellowship flourishes and friendships form, two silent dangers can quietly creep in: gossip and anger. Let's explore why these seemingly harmless behaviors can harm our spiritual community.

The Whispering Web of Gossip:

Gossip is like a spider weaving its web, slowly entangling everyone in its threads. In our small groups, gossip can start as a simple conversation but quickly grow into a harmful force. When we gossip, we spread rumors and half-truths, damaging trust and tarnishing relationships. Just as a web ensnares its prey, gossip entangles the unity that small groups strive to build. “The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.” (Proverbs 18:8 NIV)

The Fiery Flames of Anger:

Anger, like a wildfire, can quickly consume the peace within a small group. When tempers flare, communication breaks down, and harmony is replaced by discord. Anger hinders our ability to love and understand one another, making it difficult for our small groups to thrive in the spirit of cooperation.

The Ripple Effect on Relationships:

Gossip and anger don’t stay confined; they create a ripple effect, impacting the entire group. Friendships strain, and trust weakens, making it challenging for the small group to function as a supportive and nurturing community. It's essential to recognize the far-reaching consequences of these behaviors on our shared journey of faith.

The Importance of Open Communication:

To combat gossip and anger, open communication is key. Encouraging an environment where members feel safe expressing their thoughts and concerns helps prevent misunderstandings that may fuel gossip or anger. When we communicate openly, we build trust and strengthen the bonds that hold our small groups together. If your strife is towards another group, have the courage to seek out and discuss what is angering you so badly with the leader or persons of that group. Choosing to gossip and spread your anger towards another ministry or group - within your small group - only leads to unnecessary webs of gossip and more fiery flames of anger. Seeds take root, and strife abounds.

Choosing Love Over Gossip and Anger:

Love is the antidote to gossip and anger. When faced with the choice, let's choose to love one another unconditionally. By embracing love, we create an atmosphere where gossip struggles to take root, and anger finds no fertile ground. Love binds our small groups together and fortifies the foundation of our shared faith. Let us remember God’s commandment from Leviticus: “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:18 NRSV)

The kids in our youth group experience gossip and anger almost on a daily basis within their middle and high schools. Sadly, it’s become a way of life in the secular world. I strive to provide each young adult a safe place where there is no gossip or anger within our group.

In our church’s adult small groups, where we seek spiritual growth and connection, gossip and anger pose significant threats. By understanding the potential harm these behaviors can cause and actively choosing love and open communication, we can protect the unity and harmony that make our small groups a haven for spiritual flourishing. Let's be vigilant, recognizing the signs of gossip and anger, and strive to cultivate a nurturing environment where our faith can truly thrive.

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Embracing Solace

In the midst of the holiday season's hustle and bustle, the Methodist tradition offers a unique and contemplative space for those grappling with grief, loss, or simply seeking solace. The "Longest Night" special service, also known as Blue Christmas or Winter Solstice service, is a poignant expression of compassion and understanding within the Methodist community. Our “Longest Night” service will be held next week on Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:00pm. Not having ever experienced this type of service before, I wanted to look more in-depth into this service. Here are some highlights from my exploration!

Understanding the Longest Night Service

The Longest Night service is typically held on or around the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Contrary to the jubilant celebrations of the Christmas season, this service acknowledges that not everyone feels the warmth and joy associated with the holidays. Many individuals grapple with personal losses, challenges, or a sense of loneliness during this time.

Creating a Safe Space

Methodist congregations embrace the essence of inclusivity by providing a safe and comforting space for those navigating difficult emotions. The service often takes place in a dimly lit sanctuary, creating an atmosphere of calm and reflection. Soft candlelight, subdued music, and thoughtful prayers contribute to the overall sense of peace and tranquility.

Acknowledging Grief and Loss

One of the core elements of the Longest Night service is the acknowledgment of grief and loss. Participants are invited to share their experiences, either through personal reflections or written prayers. This open dialogue fosters a sense of community and reminds attendees that they are not alone in their struggles.

Embracing Hope in Darkness

While the service addresses the pain and sorrow associated with the longest night, it also carries a message of hope. Readings and reflections often emphasize the promise of a new dawn, symbolizing the belief that, even in the darkest moments, there is a glimmer of light and hope. This balance of acknowledging pain and offering hope resonates deeply with those attending the service.

Music as Healing

Music plays a crucial role in the Longest Night service, offering a powerful means of emotional expression and healing. Hymns and songs are carefully selected to evoke a range of emotions, providing a therapeutic outlet for those in attendance. The carefully curated musical elements contribute to the overall contemplative and supportive atmosphere of the service.

The Methodist tradition of the Longest Night service is a testament to the community's commitment to empathy and understanding. By acknowledging the diverse emotional landscapes that coexist during the holiday season, this special service provides a sanctuary for healing and reflection. In the quiet moments of the longest night, Methodist congregations come together to create a space where individuals can find solace, share their burdens, and embrace the promise of a new dawn. I personally invite you to next week’s service - either as someone who experiences grief during this season, or as someone who can offer a “shoulder of encouragement” to those grieving.

No matter what you’re feeling this Christmas season, please know that you are loved by all of us here at NUMC, but more importantly, loved unconditionally by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Have a blessed and merry Christmas.

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Nathan Persell Nathan Persell

Navigating the Path of Youth Ministry

As the youth pastor at Navarre United Methodist Church, I've had the privilege of walking alongside our incredible young people on their spiritual journeys. It's a role that fills me with joy, challenges me daily, and deepens my own faith. For my first blog entry, I'd like to share with you some insights into the heart of our youth ministry and how we're striving to make it a place of growth, connection, and empowerment.

Meaningful Relationships. In youth ministry, relationships are at the core of everything we do. Building meaningful connections with our young members is a fundamental step in helping them grow spiritually. We aim to be more than just spiritual guides; we strive to be friends, mentors, and confidants. Trust is the foundation of these relationships, and it's something we cherish and nurture. By genuinely getting to know our students, listening to their stories, and being there for them during the ups and downs of life, we create a safe and loving environment where they can explore their faith.

Intentional Programming. Creating a thriving youth ministry means being purposeful and strategic in our approach. Our programs and activities are carefully designed to engage, challenge, and inspire our young members. We offer a range of activities, from worship services and Bible studies to community service projects and fun outings. These experiences not only deepen their faith but also give them opportunities to build relationships with their peers and contribute positively to our community.

Discipleship. Discipleship is at the heart of our mission. We want our young people to not only understand the teachings of Jesus but also to live out those teachings in their daily lives. Our focus is on helping them grow spiritually, develop a strong moral compass, and discover their unique gifts and talents. By doing so, we empower them to be ambassadors of God's love in our world.

Partnering with Parents. We believe that the partnership between the church and parents is vital for the spiritual growth of our youth. We regularly engage with parents, providing resources, guidance, and open lines of communication. We encourage parents to take an active role in their children's faith development and support them in becoming active participants in our church community.

Student Leadership. One of our key objectives is to empower our young members to become leaders within our church and the larger community. We encourage them to take ownership of their faith journey and actively participate in planning and executing various youth activities. By fostering leadership skills, we are preparing them to be strong, faith-driven leaders in our church and society.

In conclusion, youth ministry at Navarre United Methodist Church is an exciting journey that we embark on together. It’s filled with learning, growth, and the incredible discovery of God's love.

I invite you to join us on this path. Whether you're a young person seeking faith or a parent looking for a nurturing environment for your child, we're here to walk with you. Together, we can create a strong foundation of faith and community for the future generations. If you would like to learn more about youth, or if you’re interested in serving these future leaders, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

In Christ alone,

Chris Gersic

Youth Pastor at Navarre United Methodist Church

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