Practice What You Preach

Well, what I'm about to blog about could be more addressed to myself. Whenever I talk to my kids back home I'm always giving them advice on life. Whether it's about living,love or just your typical day to day things. I know as a father I need to be strong and positive about a lot of things that I do or think of. Do I really listen to the words that come out of my mouth when I feed them advice? I'm gonna say, sometimes not. Did I pick the right songs for Sunday worship? Did I say the right words when I'm speaking to the congregation?

Or do I take good care of my vessel that God has given me? I am human so that makes me not perfect. I stress at times because I want to make sure that what I do or say to my friends, family and the folk that come into our church to praise the lord is right. Boy, I really don't know where I am going with this so bear with me. See? I'm doing it again so I will give my heart control of the keyboard and just go with it.

  Last Christmas was tough on me. But, I am always up to a challenge and boy did I get one. I have learned a lot about my job and my duties that I have to do to fulfill my obligations. I've learned so much about Christmas. I thought I knew it all but I didn't. My pastor and my colleagues have taught me a lot. Thanks guys and thank you God for bringing these folks into my life. As we get closer to Easter, I now know that this is THE BIG ONE! I'm nervous but with the help and understanding from my church family, I feel more prepared. I'm so ready to rock this! Well, in a contemporary way lol. 

  I guess what I'm trying to say here is, looking back on all the things I have accomplished with this church and my life has been blessed.. When I speak to the Congregation it's like, Jamel disappears and in comes the Spirit. As with the music, being a father and a husband.

Listening to my colleagues and pastor and getting great advice is awesome. But, watching them practicing what they preach is heavenly. So, back to the top of this blog. Giving my kids advice about life and wondering, am I actually listening to the words that come out of my mouth? Absolutely! Better yet, I have been practicing what I preach. If you believe and you put your trust in the lord, you can accomplish anything! Give yourself the credit you deserve. Especially, when you are giving advice to those who need it. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Thanks for reading folks!




It's About Showing Kids God's Love