Find Joy

This is Easter week! Many call it the Super Bowl of the church. Forty days of Lent conclude with Easter morning. How did you do with your penance this year? Did you give up something or did you do something different like doing something nice once a day for 40 days? How did you do?

Many different emotions go through this week from the celebration on Palm Sunday, to the last supper on Thursday, to Good Friday, and then to the celebration on Easter Sunday! Now I think of how big this week is for our destiny, but it did not always feel that way.

I remember being a kid and all I wanted was an Easter basket! We would go to my grandma's and hunt eggs with my cousins. These were real eggs that were colored, and they were hidden throughout the yard in the tulips, plants, and wherever my aunts would hide them. After finding the eggs, we would eat them!  It’s funny... we would have an Easter basket full of chocolate (we would eat all the chocolate), grape soda and then top it off by eating a bunch of eggs. My gosh, we had to be crawling the walls and driving my parents nuts! When I was a child, those were good times. I did not realize at that time how innocent we were. We were not worried about gas prices, food costs, mortgages, bills, or the headaches that life had thrown our way.

If we could look at the world through the eyes of our children, we could enjoy the time we have more.

If we take all the emotions Jesus went through during this week and be grateful for his sacrifice, then when Easter Sunday morning comes know our destiny has been changed by the stone being rolled away.

Look at the joy on the children’s faces. Start living and seeing a different world around you and appreciate the time we have been given.   

Turn off the noise and Find Joy!


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